What's New in our Church Family ?
As you may be aware, the teaching at our Church Family is based on an integrated Bible Study, ie, the Church Family learn about a passage from the Bible in the Sunday message and then it is studied and discussed during the week in our Bible Studies. This assists us to get more out of our Sunday messages as well as our Bible Studies, and it also allows for more people to grow together as we study His Word as a Church Family. Our current series is based on Knowing God.
Also,remember that Pastor Farr is trained in the Prepare / Enrich programme,(pre-marital and marital relationship counselling), which we trust will be widely utilised to serve our community. Please feel free to contact him if he can assist you or someone you know in this particular respect.
Points of Praise & Prayer
We were excited to hear that some of our young people took part in the recent youth witness event "See You At The Pole" [SYATP], where young people met at the flagpole of their respective school, university or TAFE College both as a witness to their peers & as an opportunity to pray for our nation. It was their idea, and we reckon that it was a beauty ! Reports back tell us that it will now become an annual event. Remember to pray for our nation's young people as they seek to honour Christ in their dail walk.
Feel free to Email us to share matters that you wish us to pray for - see our Contact page for Email details